Tuesday, December 28, 2010


ak ade surprise tuk korg suma...nntkan...ek...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

the legAcy

i'm not in mo0d to write in english rite now..so,i'll continue in malay je..k..
sbnrnya, ade sesuatu yg bermain di minda ak..bnda ni dh lma...lma sgt..bkn sje di minda, malahan di jiwa lg..sesuatu yg perlu ak sampaikan..sesuatu yg perlu diteruskan...sesuatu yg amat penting utk dilaksanakan..ak telah ditugaskan utk menjaga n menyampaikan nya...serahkan n wariskan kepada yg berhak..tetapi aku sering tangguhkan..mereka ternanti-nanti..terus menunggu akan wasiat2 yang perlu mereka tahu dan dengar sejak dulu lagi...sebuah legasi..ya..ianya legasi..legasi yang agak besar..seperti empayar2 yg lain..sungguh berpengaruh..tetapi ini lebih lagi..lebih dahsyat dr itu semua...tetapi mengapa ak pendamkan..???bilakah masanya..???klu ada pon, sedikit demi sedikit yg aku sampaikan..tidak semuanya...ak lebih mendorong mereka untuk meneroka dan mencari sendiri..ak rsa, tidak salah begitu..kerana, ak salah seorg dr pengasas legasi tersebut..jadi, ak tahu ape yg ak lakukan..tapi, kebelakangan ini, perkara ini mengganggu ku lagi...ak akan cuba mewariskannya semula..sedikit..demi sedikit...agar legasi ini akan terus berkembang dan gah..di mata dunia..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

hAvinG a LoT oF fUn..!!

salam...hye everyone..i juz wanna share..juz a little...not much..becoz i'm so tired while typing this..haha..really lazy..my eyes got stone on it..yesterday, i'd some entertainment with my fren..really enjoy..and..tired...dont know wut to type looo....actually..nothing...juz to tell u all..i'm having fun yesterday...hahaha...see ya.!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

quOtes Of tHe dAy...

quotes of the day..:
"everyday, when i'm gonna sleep, i wish that somehow i'll wake up in the morning of new days..but, when i woke up, nothing changed...it's all the same..same day,same activities, same faces, same thing...i thought the day was changing, but it's not...it's not monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday or sunday..it's just a day..the sameday!"
hahaha...it took almost a day to create this quotes..urm..maybe not so good or fancy...the words maybe not so beautiful or interesting..aite?but..i'm juz trying...maybe i'm not able to speak or to write well in english...perhaps i need more training and practise..then, there is a result..the come out..aite?..haha..nonsense..i'll keep on doing this..quotations, poem or wutever..as long as i can write in english..i'll use simple words and simple sentence..that'll enough..haha..satisfaction for me n my soul...thats all..k...we'll meet again..wassalam..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

thAt hOusE...

that house..
it look empty right now...
no one live there anymore..
it was..but long time ago..
not so long..but..quite long...
it happened to be more people live there...
a lot of people...a lot of children..
it was happening on that time..
very happening...children laughed...
elders laughed...
having tea together...
children playing together...
run here and there..
the boundaries is so big..so big...
people will tired walking there...
there are a lot of trees..
too many...
it look so greenie...and fresh..
you can feel the cold in the morning...until sunrise..
of course..sunrise can be seen from there..
very beautiful...
the fog faded away..following the wind...
very smooth and nice...
many people like to be there..on that time...

it was long time ago...
but not so long..quite long..
now..the house is empty..
no other people live there..
no one live there..
it just be there..
hope..that house will full again..
one day...
yes..hoping for that day..
one day..

Monday, December 6, 2010


disebalik gelak tawa
tersembunyi seribu duka
disebalik senyum mesra
tersimpan seribu rahsia

kala ku ketawa, orang menyangkakan aku gembira
kala ku lemparkan senyuman, orang katakan aku sentiasa mesra
kala aku terdiam seribu bahasa, tiada siapa menyapa
kala ku sendirian, tiada siapa bersama

mereka sedar akan kehadiran aku
tapi mereka terlupa akan kewujudan aku
mereka tahu aku ada di situ
tapi mereka tak tahu apa yang ku tahu

aku merasa apa yang mereka rasa
tapi mereka tak pernah rasa apa yang ku rasa
ranjau berduri jalan yang ku lalui
karpet merah adalah yang biasa mereka redahi
...seBuaH KisAh...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


when it is the time...
i'll make a lot of rhyme..

when it is the time...
i'll see so much crime..

when it is the time...
i'll go through light lamp...

when it is the time..
i'll know the road is jamm..

and..i dont know when...
it will be done...
